Friday 16 April 2021

What was a major success for us in Term One, in Room 8?

Room 8 has been doing hard work in Term 1 like Kauri Splash, which is a swimming competition. We cheered our class and the people in the pool. Another thing we did is toolkits. Some people were very nervous when they spoke and they were very brave. my Toolkit was about Scratch it is a game that you could do when you are bored. I feel I did great with swimming lessons it was hard work but I did it. Blog you later Litiane

Here is a link to Scratch

Wednesday 7 April 2021

My Easter Holiday

On Easter holiday my family went to the park to have a lunch at the park. After that we did a Easter egg hunt. We had so much fun. I was saying I am the Candy Monster in the park, because I took all of the candy in the park. The park is neer the bach and the last tame the tied was low.