Wednesday 7 April 2021

My Easter Holiday

On Easter holiday my family went to the park to have a lunch at the park. After that we did a Easter egg hunt. We had so much fun. I was saying I am the Candy Monster in the park, because I took all of the candy in the park. The park is neer the bach and the last tame the tied was low.


  1. Hi Litiane,
    My name is Krystal and I attend St Pius X Catholic School. This is a good piece of writing. Maybe you could add a bit more details and photos (if you have some). Other than that good job!

  2. Hi Litiane,
    My name is Audrey and I go to St Pius X Catholic School. This is a good writing but short great work but add more writing and photo so again great work but never give up.

  3. Hi Litiane,
    My name is Maraia and I attend St Pius X school.\
    This is a great blog but all you need is some picture if you have any and done.
    Great work

  4. Hi Litiane,
    My name is Sione and I go to St Pius X Catholic School in Auckland. I really like your work but you could add some photos. But Great Work!

  5. Kia Ora Litiane. Kahvel here from room 23 and I really like your story about your Easter holiday because on Easter we went to the beach and my mum or dad hid the Easter eggs and I only found about 7 of them because they were hid in really good places so and after that we had something to eat but something that you could work on, could be, checking your spelling.
